About Me

I used to wonder about the infinite depth of space. Really, I would think about it until I felt overwhelmed at the thought of no beginning, no end, just...space. Then I had children. Now I think about how to keep a two-year-old entertained for thirty minutes while she watches her four-year-old sister in swim class. Believe me, this is equally exhausting, just not quite as enlightening.

I miss learning about new things and having intellectually stimulating conversations. I was once fully immersed in this as a graduate student and earned a Master of Science degree in Developmental Psychology. I spent several years doing experimental research on memory. Memory...today I forgot my daughter’s change of clothes so she had to walk out of the Y in a wet suit.

I decided to satisfy this craving for science and bring some knowledge your way as well. Thus, Mother of Science was born. If you find yourself lost in that latest issue of National Geographic in the bathroom, or catching some late-night forensic show on tv, your “mommy brain” may need a boost. Come back each week and learn something new about the things you encounter everyday as a mother.

Amy Mitravich lives in the Atlanta area with her husband, 2 daughters, and 2 1 fish.