Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Psychology of Black Friday

On Thursday Americans will gather around the table with their families to share a Thanksgiving meal and offer their reasons for being thankful this season: good health, loving families, a found job, and for the abundance of calories spread before them. But as soon as they finish savoring that last morsel of pumpkin pie, the mood will change. Thoughts will turn from peace and harmony to the chaos that will come the following morning. Americans will develop their shopping strategy as if they are heading into battle. Even the name bestowed upon this day evokes feelings of anxiety, intensity, and just plain crazy: Black Friday.

Black Friday is an American phenomenon when retailers open at unprecedented hours to offer equally unprecedented deals on consumer goods. Retailers hope to be “in the black” and profitable after this day. Black Friday is a day when the rules of shopping and etiquette fall by the wayside and the shoppers never disappoint the rest of us with their determination and wild behavior. 

When I was young, the malls opened at 7am the day after Thanksgiving to take advantage of the holiday and jumpstart the Christmas shopping season. This year retailers are opening at, and I’m not kidding, midnight. Can we not let the turkey and stuffing digest before we head out to shop? Why is Old Navy opening at 3am? What must you purchase that is worth getting up in the middle of the night?

There are reasons why retailers are opening earlier and earlier each year, and it all has to do with getting you to spend your hard-earned dough. Each store wants to be the first one open in order to GET YOUR MONEY FIRST. There is no time to shop around on Black Friday. Most door-buster deals like $3 appliances at Target are only good for so long. You aren’t going to check out one store at 3am then circle back later; the deals will be done. Retailers know that once you are in the store, you will make a purchase.

Secondly, retailers will be using the Scarcity Effect to lure you in. By only offering limited numbers of discount items like HDTVs, or limiting the sale prices for a certain amount of time, they make you feel like if you aren’t there when the doors open, you will miss out. No one wants to be that parent with the disappointed kid on Christmas morning.

Thirdly, retailers are counting on you to get caught up in the mob mentality. Many people think it will be exciting to be in the middle of mayhem and curiosity will drag them out of bed with a Turkey hangover to see what it’s all about. Once you get in the crowd who is anxiously awaiting the mall cop to open the doors, you, too, will begin to think that you must have what everyone else came for, whether you need it or not.

Black Friday is designed to get you to spend as much as your money as possible. So stay focused, stick to your list, and steer clear of anyone willing to take down women and children with their shopping cart.

Personally, I love a great deal. I rarely pay full price for anything. But I am not willing to get elbowed in the face for a good deal. I have not participated in Black Friday, nor do I see myself doing so in the near future. I love Christmas shopping, but without the stress. I will wait until the following week. Until then, I will be at home in my elastic-waist pants enjoying the leftovers.

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